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  • Asta C +

    Asta C +

    Discovering new posibilities:

    A natural source of youth

    Natural, the most powerful antioxidant in offer
    Cosmetic Laboratory AVA!

    ASTAXANTIN has a stronger antioxidative effect:
    • • 6000  than vitamin C,
    • • 800 than coenzyme Q10,
    • • 550 than vitamin E.

    Astaxanthin is called the “queen of carotenoids” by scientists. Belongs to this group of compounds, it works more strongly than carrot beta-carotene, or lycopene from tomatoes. In contrast to vitamin A, it is not sensitive to oxidation. The unique structure of the astaxanthin molecule and lipid solubility allows its deep penetration into the epidermis and localization in the cell so that it effectively protects it from the harmful effects of external factors.

    Astaxanthin penetrates well into the stratum corneum, accelerates its renewal, normalizes it, thereby enhancing its protective functions and reducing water loss. It also contributes to the stimulation of collagen and elastin production. Prevents photo-aging, improves skin color, smoothes and prevents micro-damage to the skin. It leaves the skin looking healthier and more rested.

    It includes: day cream, night cream, eye cream and serum.

    Asta C +
    Asta C + / Series
    Product aim
    Cosmetic's type
    Cosmetic effect
    Portal co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund under the Development Program.
    All rights reserved Ⓒ 2023 Laboratorium Kosmetyczne AVA
    W zgodzie z naturą. Implementation: Bazinga